Sun Square Saturn — Today’s Astrology — February 11, 2014
Sun in Aquarius will square Saturn in Scorpio at 2:57 PM EST / 11:57 AM PST
Grab your charts. If you need a copy of yours, you can get one for free on my website. If you have any planets around 20-24 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius then this astrological energy will be of increased significance to you.
Are you feeling discouraged? Held back? Denied the life that you want to live? If so, you are not alone! We all go through periods of restrictions, obstacles, discouragement, and we feel that we are beating ourselves against the wall hoping that we can get through to the other side. We all go through it.
Three years ago, I was at a turning point in my life. The world around me had changed in a way that I could no longer manage myself or my business the way that I had managed it up to that point. I was at a breaking point, and although I had achieved a lot in my 40 years on the planet, I fell into a despair that ultimately changed my life. My fears got me to where I was, but I was not going to let them rule me forever. In the process of this change, I had to get busy with the art of living.
On Tuesday, we have an extremely frustrating aspect — The Sun in Aquarius will square Saturn in Scorpio. This aspect can be depressive, very difficult to handle, and can lead to enormous frustrations. You may feel held back by others, by life, or even by your lack of taking personal responsibility. Your energy may be low and you may fall into the depths of despair. I am going to be blunt – this aspect is not easy. However, this energy is necessary for our personal soul growth and evolution.
Rob Hand writes the following in his book, “Planets in Transit”:
“The purpose of discouragement is to reveal weaknesses in your conception of yourself and show where you must work to gain greater confidence in yourself.” (Hand pg. 76)
I found this sentence to be very enlightening. I have read Hand’s book numerous times as an astrologer or astrological student, it is one of the cornerstone textbooks that any practicing or student astrologer should have on their shelves. However, I had never looked at discouragement (possibly because I was not ready) in this manner.
Today, we have an opportunity to look at our personal conception of ourselves. How do you see yourself on the most basic level? Are you where you want to be in life? Are your beliefs about yourself accurate or are they based on fears that may be limiting you? In order to work with Saturn, we must get deep and often get our hands dirty in the darkest corners of our psyche. In many ways, we are required under this transit to refine ourselves and become more real in order to achieve personal fulfillment. By going through this inner process we will find our personal authenticity and reclaim our dignity.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations you can to speak with him by arranging a call. Simply click on Get a Reading at the top of the page. If you have never received a reading from Storm or one of our other psychics or astrologers on Keen.com we invite you to receive a free 3-minute reading. You can redeem that offer by click here. FREE 3 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING
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Mercury Retrograde in Pisces — Today’s Astrology — February 6, 2014
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces at 4:43 PM EST / 1:43 PM PST
Grab your charts. If you need a copy of yours, you can get one for free at my website. If you have any planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces then this astrological energy will be of increased significance to you.
It’s that time again! That dastardly mischievous and trickster planet Mercury will go retrograde on Thursday. So, before I get into the delineation of the meaning of Mercury retrograde, I must remind everyone that problems with electronics, travel plans, traveling, communication will become challenging over the next three weeks. In addition, this is not the time to make big purchases, sign documents, or move from one residence to another. However, it is a time for deep reflection.
Mercury retrograde is one of the few astrological terms that has made its way into pop culture. Of all the day to day astrological phenomena, it is the most annoying and those that follow astrology all shriek whenever this retrogradation appears. However, Mercury rules our mind and our ability to process data and information. As annoying as it may be Mercury retrograde is a necessary process of development as it lets us sort through the information we have acquired since the last Mercury retrograde period (it ended on November 10, 2013) and begin to use this information to make choices and decisions about our future.
This Mercury retrograde is in the sign of Pisces. Although Pisces is known in spiritual based circles as the sign of spirituality (of which it can be), during this retrograde period it’s more likely to show its more negative face – confusion, doubt, addictions, and self-defeating behavior. If you notice these feelings and behaviors rising to the surface it’s time to take some time to reflects and see where they are coming from. After all, we can use this energy in a positive way to modify old and existing habits and use Mercury’s power of understanding to eliminate the effect they have on our lives.
In the world chart (set for Jerusalem in Kabbalah), Scorpio is rising indicating mental anxiety and anguish, which is compounded by Saturn being in the first house of the chart ruling both our thoughts (the third house) and emotions (the fourth house). Mercury sits in the emotional based fourth house of the chart conjoined to both Neptune (confusion) and Chiron (wounds). Further, Mercury rules the 8th house (death and regeneration) and the 11th house (social circle, our need to be part of a group). As you can see from this configuration, relationships with others can be highly influenced during this cycle and with Scorpio rising conflicts may occur which may need to be addressed as they arise. Regardless of the difficulties, problems that occur are usually rectified once Mercury goes direct, yet it is important for us to remember that worldly problems are usually the result of internal problems that ultimately need to be addressed.
Mercury goes direct on February 28th.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations you can to speak with him by arranging a call. Simply click on Get a Reading at the top of the page. If you have never received a reading from Storm or one of our other psychics or astrologers on Keen.com we invite you to receive a free 3-minute reading. You can redeem that offer by click here. FREE 3 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING
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Jupiter oppose Pluto — Today’s Astrology — January 31, 2014
Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 4:18 AM EST / 1:18 AM PST
Grab your charts. If you need a copy of yours, you can get one for free at my website. If you have any planets around 10-14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn then this astrological energy will be of increased significance to you.
I’ve notices for some time (especially in social media circles) people being obsessed with the word truth. However, this “TRUTH” is often subjective based upon the experience and conditioning of the person relating to it. It is then no longer the “TRUTH”, yet a subjective personal “truth,” which may not be the “TRUTH” at all. Unfortunately, we now live in a society where ‘expressing ones truth’ can often be a ‘non sequitor’ for awful behavior.
On Friday, Jupiter in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn and this can be an extremely messy aspect. For one, it tends to be very obsessive and often focuses on deeply convicted individual ideals to the point that this aspect can be extremely dogmatic and it is difficult to see another individual’s point of view or perspective. Secondly, since Jupiter expands every planet it touches in the zodiac, it’s aspects to Pluto can increase the planets volatility and quest for power. This can lead to power plays in relationships as well as the workplace. Further, the power of ones convictions can often lead to ruthlessness in your own behavior or the experience of ruthlessness from others.
While this transit is active it is necessary to really take a deep look your ideas and to ask yourself whether or not you are being a bit too dogmatic in your own version of the truth. It may be necessary to take a step back and allow others to have their own personal version of the truth, as well. If this inner insight and reflection is not accomplished and maintained then arguments, passive-aggressive behaviors, and a need to dominate may come to the surface. However, by analyzing this situation and being cognizant of others, you can experience deep transformation in your personal situation.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations you can to speak with him by arranging a call. Simply click on Get a Reading at the top of the page. If you have never received a reading from Storm or one of our other psychics or astrologers on Keen.com we invite you to receive a free 3-minute reading. You can redeem that offer by click here. FREE 3 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING
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Mercury Square Saturn — Today’s Astrology — January 25, 2014
Mercury in Aquarius will square Saturn in Scorpio at 6:56 AM EST / 3:56 AM PST
Grab your charts. If you need a copy of yours, you can get one for free at my website. If you have any planets around 18-22 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius then this astrological energy will be of increased significance to you.
This week, Kabbalistically, we are in the portion of the Torah called ‘mishpatim’. This is one of the most predominant weekly portions amongst Kabbalistic scholars because the lesson is about slavery and the laws of cause and effect. The word ‘mishpatim’ means ordinances. In essence, it is about the laws that govern the universe. The insight of this particular portion is the realization that there are two realities – one reality being slavery to the material world and our emotions and the other reality being spirituality and our connection to the light. So, we are given an opportunity this week to choose whether we are slaves or spiritually free.
Yesterday, I wrote at length about aspects weaving into one another. Our current set of aspects began with the Venus – Mars square that occurred earlier in the month and has continued until we finally arrived at today’s aspect which is Mercury square Saturn. Venus – Mars brought to the surface problem areas in our relationships, Mercury sextile Uranus and Mercury trine Mars provided us with the insight to change our situation combined with the action to resolve our difficulties. However, Mercury square Saturn can often lead us to slipping back into our old behavioral patterns (often without realizing it) because they are familiar and easy.
How many times have you begun a new course or decided to behave in a different way or decided that a particular way someone was behaving was unacceptable? How many times have you created boundaries in your life only to slip back into old patterns a few days later? Although it may feel easier at the time, usually we feel guilty when the same problems begin to occur again in our lives. Mercury square Saturn is a test of whether or not we have the courage of our convictions. This is a very challenging aspect because Mercury rules the mind and Saturn rules limitations, and when the two get together one can often feel depressed, at odds with themselves, deeply conflicted, and can have great difficulty expressing themselves to others. This can lead us to seek solace of our past behavior patterns. This can be extremely problematic and can often lead us from a place of “freedom” back into the fettered clutches of slavery.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations you can to speak with him by arranging a call. Simply click on Get a Reading at the top of the page. If you have never received a reading from Storm or one of our other psychics or astrologers on Keen.com we invite you to receive a free 3-minute reading. You can redeem that offer by click here. FREE 3 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING
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Mercury Trine Mars — Today’s Astrology — January 24, 2014
Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Libra at 9:57 AM EST / 6:57 AM PST
Grab your charts. If you need a copy of yours, you can get one for free at my website. If you have any planets around 18-22 degrees of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius then this astrological energy will be of increased significance to you.
In this blog post, I want to discuss a couple of astrological issues I normally do not have time to cover, yet I have been pondering their meaning lately.
After 25 years of doing astrological readings, I do not think we pay enough attention to the transits of the inner planets. Not enough, at all!
But, why?
Well frankly they are less glamorous. Transits of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) last for long periods of time and tend to be rather noticeable in the outer world. For example, we currently have an ongoing outer planet transit of Uranus in Aries in square to Pluto in Capricorn. The financial markets have collapsed, the economy has been shaken, and riots and protests between the upper and lower classes have erupted around the world. Whereas, transits of the inner planets tend to affect our personal lives, our moods, and our day to day interaction with others. Additionally, transits of the inner planets happen very quickly, so we tend to pay little attention to their movements.
The second issue I want to discuss is the flow of aspects that occur throughout the year. The moon traverses the zodiac making aspects to all the planets once a month; the Sun, Mercury, and Venus transit the horoscope once a year; and Mars transits occur once every two years. However, despite planetary consistency, the planets create their aspect patterns in different signs and retrograde in different locations. So, the inner planets bring forth themes and patterns to the surface at different times creating a unique experience for all of us. Further, if these astrological events triggers planets or significance points in your chart, the themes will be amplified.
This brings me to the latest aspect of Mercury in Aquarius in trine to Mars in Libra. On January 16, Venus in Capricorn square Mars in Libra which brought to the surface a lot of hidden problems in relationships. This was followed by the insightful aspect of Mercury sextile Uranus. Mercury – Uranus aspects always bring forth new answers to resolve old problems. Now, the trend continues with Mercury trine Mars.
One of the keywords that you can use for Mars is the word ‘action’. Mars likes movement and lots of it. He really does not care about what you are doing right now, he cares about what you are going to do in the future. Alternately, Mercury has to do with the mind and our mental processes. The winged god is how we understand life and put that understanding to use by formulate concepts and ideas. When you combine these two archetypal functions together it creates a golden opportunity for us to do all difficult thinking work that we need to do. Further, if it’s a complex situation, Mars provides you with the ability to accomplish things you might normally shriek at.
So, think back to the issues that came up during the Venus – Mars square, and any insight you may have received on how to resolve it. Now, is action time! It’s a great day for you to speak your mind with clarity, and for you to express what you need to express at this time. Your confidence will be increased and you if you respond accordingly, you will find yourself BOLDER than ever.
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations you can to speak with him by arranging a call. Simply click on Get a Reading at the top of the page. If you have never received a reading from Storm or one of our other psychics or astrologers on Keen.com we invite you to receive a free 3-minute reading. You can redeem that offer by click here. FREE 3 MINUTE PSYCHIC READING
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