The Astrological Energy of the Week revolves around Venus Retrograde, which begins at 5:17 PM on March 6, and continues through Mid April. Before, Venus goes retrograde the Moon in Cancer will square Venus creating a rather emotional and tense beginning of the weekend. You may find your relationships today quite erratic, emotional, and frustrating.
Anytime we have a planet retrograding we can use these periods to review what is transpiring in our lives via the nature of the planet that is retrograde. The area that Venus primarily rules is relationships through its rulership over Libra and money and/or finances through its rulership over Taurus.
Venus is retrograding in the sign of her detriment Aries. The reason Venus is in detriment in Aries is because Venus is not a real self focused planet – she needs things, she needs people; whereas Aries is pretty much concerned with one thing “me”! Also, Venus can act quite compulsively when she is in the Mars natural sign, and “compulsive” is not a productive word for either “love” or “money”. Be wary of getting involved in new relationships during this period, as they tend to burn out as fast as they heat up. However, past relationships you believed were over may resurface during this time.
The Moon will go void of course in Cancer at 7:29 PM on Friday evening with its last aspect a trine to Uranus in Pisces. This evening can be used as an evening to relax, stay at home, get comfort food, and watch a good movie or catch up on some programs recorded on your TIVO.
The Moon will enter Leo at 8:24 AM on Saturday Morning. There are no aspects on this day, which makes Saturday a “Moon” day. Leo is the sign of pleasure, children and enjoyment, so stay true to yourself and enjoy the weekend.
See you on Sunday!
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