Mercury in Scorpio sextile Mars in Capricorn
Today is a high energy day as Mercury in Scorpio forms an opportunistic sextile to Mars in Capricorn. Mercury represents our mind and how we think and Mars reflects our need to go out into the world and get what we want making this a ripe time for personal advancement. Take a look at what you would like to achieve because the next few days are beneficial to put your plans in motion. For those that are employed, now is the time to take steps to insure a raise or a promotion because persuasive powers are at their peak and your increased inner confidence will help you and you will be respected for it.
Keep reaching for the stars!
Storm Cestavani is the co-host of the top rated metaphysical show “Keep It Magic” and the co-creator of the “Tarot Magic” with Coventry Creations. Storm is available for consultations by setting up an appointment to speak with him. Simply click on Book a Reading with Storm at the top of the page.
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